Where It All Started

JustPeachy was born in 2020 out of a simple realization that relaxing comfortably outdoors was not just a necessity, but an art that could be vastly improved. During the pandemic, we spent countless afternoons hanging out at parks and beaches, enduring days of back pain just to enjoy a few hours with friends. Frustrated, we became determined to find an easy, portable, and comfortable solution to a chronic inconvenience.

Leaning In on Leaning Back

So, our founder, Ross, did what any modern millennial faced with an unpredictable economic future and a global shutdown would do: he borrowed his mother’s sewing machine.  After a quick trip to JoAnn’s Fabrics and a handful of YouTube tutorials, Ross crafted the very first Land Lounger prototype in his San Francisco apartment. 

Threading the Needle

Two and a half years, a few grey hairs, and endless iterations later, we finalized the Land Lounger design and identified the softest, sustainably sourced fabric which was rigorously scrutinized by friends and family and eventually approved by our nephew.

Timing is Just a Number

Eager to share our passion with you, we "conveniently" launched in the midst of winter, on the heels of welcoming our 4-week-old daughter.  But hey, three’s a party! We hope you enjoy lounging outdoors more comfortably just as much as we've enjoyed creating this for you.

Thank You...

...to our family and friends, for your endless encouragement and
modeling skills (don't quit your day jobs though). You helped us laugh through this process and enjoy every stitch and turn.  We hope to make you proud.

And to you, our future customers, thank you for your support and know that we will always have your back.

Join the Relaxolution

We take comfort seriously, just not ourselves.